Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Day 18: Serendipity

Mlle. Claire and my Danny (photo taken with cell phone!)
Trusting the universe turned out well today.

I didn't have anything planned that would help me meet a person. I spent about 20 minutes wandering the web looking for knitting groups that meet on Tuesdays, and kind of had a lead.

But then Claire dropped in, and all was well.

Claire is a fellow Duke grad, and a friend of Danny's from the semester they spent together in New York. I'd heard about her quite a bit, but had never had the pleasure of meeting her, even though she lives in SF. But as luck would have it -- or perhaps some of the good Burning Man vibes were still trailing her -- she picked today to randomly be hanging out in Berkeley. I had an unscheduled afternoon. I had an Encantada hole to fill. A few iced teas later, and the day was groovy.

Of course it helped that Claire is really great. I don't know what else I expected, because Danny has pretty good taste in friends, but still, it was a lovely surprise. We talked about yoga, food, Switzerland, parents, jobs, law school, life. There are plans afoot for more gathering. It was calm, refreshing, and meaningful. And easy. Of course I didn't get any work done....but that's what tonight it for!


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