Friday, August 28, 2009

Day 7: Anyone can cook, Anyone can fail

Remy, from Ratatouille. Not quite my new friend...
Technically, I met my goal today: I met someone new. In a non-technical sense, however, I blew it.

Well, that's not quite fair. I actually put in a serious, good-faith effort at making a new acquaintance tonight. A woman named Tara, a friend of my aunt's, told me about an event she was attending this evening: free outdoor movie at Charles Chocolate Factory in Emeryville. Tonight's offering? Ratatouille.

That sounded positively delightful, so I went ahead and reserved free tickets for myself and the mister. Tara and I exchanged phone numbers, and planned to meet up once we got there ("I'll call you," she said.)

By the time Danny and I made our way to the gated plaza (parking lot?) that was serving as a theater, the movie had started and my phone hadn't rung. As we sat down, I realized I'd left Tara's number in the car.

Throughout the movie I checked my phone a few times. At a slow point, I got up and jogged back to get the post-it I'd left in the car. I sent her a text message, then settled in for more adorable Disney/Pixar delights. Sinking feeling about the project, though -- and I hadn't even left the house today until 6 pm, so it's not like I had any backups available.

By the time the movie ended it was almost 11, which seemed late to be bugging her if she in fact wasn't there. But hurray! My pocket rang! But oh no, she had to leave. "Maybe we can get together another time," she offered. "I'll just come say hi now so at least I'll know what you look like," I countered, determined to minimize the lameness on my part.

So I did that. No camera with me, I realized, and I didn't want to be that blatant about it. We didn't get a chance to talk at all, though she seemed like a very nice person.

Then I went home.

So yes, a fail. But not completely.


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